  • 17 Jun 2024
  • 3 Minutes to read
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Article summary

Click Diagnose to open the Diagnose page.

Diagnose Page

The Diagnose page provides an analytic view of the brand’s performance in customer acquisition, customer engagement, customer retention and customer reactivation (activating inactive customers) and also suggest activation opportunities to change/improve the status. These activation campaigns can be set in a schedule to be automatically carried out on selected activation channels.

The acquisition, engagement, retention and reactivation status of the brand is measured by evaluating the following performance metrics.

  • The spend per customer

  • The proportion of At-risk customers reactivated

  • Average order value

  • The per customer amount spent for the first 28 days

  • The proportion of At-risk customers

  • The overall spend of the customers that were recently reactivated from the dormant customer segment

  • The customer lifetime value (CLV) of At-Risk customers

  • The active vs inactive customer count

  • The customer lifetime value (CLV) of the Dormant customers

  • The transaction count per customer

  • The proportion of Dormant customers reactivated

  • The proportion of Dormant customers

  • The number of new customers that have reached the SafeSpot (the SafeSpot is the number of positive transactions a customer in Activate segment needs to complete within the business cycle in order to be moved to Engage segment)

  • The overall spend of the recently reactivated customers from the At-Risk segment

By analyzing the customer SmartJourney® movement trends and the profits lost due to negative customer trends, Pulse identifies the issues in customer acquisition, engagement, retention and reactivation and displays the three most severe conditions in the Diagnose page. The other activation opportunities will be listed under More Audience Opportunities.

More Audience Opportunities Expanded 

The system will display the metric, the status, the applicable problem area, the revenue loss due to the negative customer trends and the number of customers recommended for activation, in order to fix the problem. The system will analyze the customer data and identify the customers that need to be engaged in order to improve the issue in the given problem area.

The system will use Red to indicate the areas that are in critical/severe condition, Amber color for areas of importance that require action and Green color for areas that are performing well.

Defining Activation Opportunity Schedule

The tiles at the top of Diagnosis page will display the three most pressing issues in customer acquisition, engagement, retention and reactivation.

Click on Select for Activation option to set up a scheduled activation campaign to reach out/activate the customers on scheduled intervals using specific customer engagement platforms. This will enable the system send notifications to the target customers via the specified activation platform on the specified dates.

By default, the main issue displayed at the top will have the Select for Activation option enabled. If required, additional performance problem areas can be selected for activation by enabling the respective Select for Activation option or by ticking the checkbox alongside the line item in the list under More Audience Opportunities. At the bottom of the Diagnosis page, the Total Audiences Selected field will display the total number of customers that are selected for activation.

Click ACTIVATE SELECTED. The system will pop up the scheduling dialog.


This dialog is used for setting up a scheduled process to send an audience file to the activation platforms on specified days until the specified repetition count is matched. Each time the process is called, the system will send the latest audience file to activation platforms.

The activation schedule is set up by specifying a name for the audience file, selecting the activation platforms that will consume audience file and specifying the frequency for sending the customer notifications.

The PLATFORMS dropdown will have the list of activation platforms in the system.

Platforms List

Select the applicable platforms for the activation campaign by ticking the checkbox alongside the platform name and click APPLY to apply the selection.

Use the SCHEDULE dropdown to specify the activation frequency.

Activation Schedule

The system allows setting the activation campaigns to be repeated daily, weekly or monthly. To run the process daily, select Daily and specify the number of days which the scheduled process needs to run. If Weekly is selected, then specify the number of cycles and also on which day/s of the week the process needs to run by selecting the letter representing the day name (by default, the system will have all seven days of the week enabled). If Monthly is selected, specify the which day of the month the process needs to run and the number of repetitions.

Once the schedule parameters are defined, click SAVE to save the schedule for the audience file transfer. This will add the defined schedule to the list of schedules defined in the system (See Schedule).

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