Customer Flows
  • 17 Jun 2024
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Customer Flows

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Article summary

Click Customer Flows to open the Customer Flows page.

The Customer Flows page displays a Sankey chart showing how the customers belonging to the different SmartJourney® segments moved/transitioned from segment to segment from the last business cycle to the current business cycle and how the customer flows the expected to change within the next business cycle.

Customer Flows Page

The applicable date for the Sankey chart will be displayed at the top. This will be the date which the last transaction records were uploaded to Pulse and it will be considered as the last date of the current business cycle. Below that the criteria applicable for the Sankey chart will be displayed.


The dropdown menus allow selecting the required business cycle, the customer status (i.e. active/inactive) and the business cycle duration for filtering the data displayed in the Sankey chart. The Reset View option is used for resetting the criteria to the default setting. By default, Pulse displays the SmartJourney® movements applicable for all business cycles and customers for a 28 day business cycle.

The dropdown menus under THEN, NOW and NEXT allow selecting the applicable client segments. Depending on the date of the last data upload (this date will be displayed under NOW) and the duration selected for the business cycle, Pulse will calculate the last date of the previous and next business cycles and display those dates under THEN and NEXT.


As an example, to view the loyalty shifts within the next business cycle applicable to the customers that were active in the past and are presently active, select Activate from the dropdowns under THEN and NOW. This will display the predicted shift of those customers in the next business cycle.


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