Data Hub
  • 21 Aug 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Data Hub

  • Dark

Article summary

Data Hub is the central data engine that stores the client data extracted from the external systems and feeds the data to Kognitiv applications, namely Pulse, Ignite and Amplify applications.  

Data Hub Diagram

Kognitiv Data Hub is comprised of the following components.



Blob Storage

The blob storage holds the raw input data collected from the brand’s system such as the customer data and transaction data (See Blob Storage).


Kognition is AI/ML powered data processing engine that analyses the raw data and generate the information used by Kognitiv applications (See Kognition).

Base Tables

The base tables store the data required for Kognitiv analytics. The data is extracted from the records received by the blob storage and is saved in its original format in the base tables.

NOTE: The date format of the received data will be set to the system default format (See Base Tables).

Master Tables

The master tables store the information generated from analyzing the raw data (e.g. customer cycle, customer lifetime value). This information can be accessed via Kognitiv applications (See Master Tables).

Reference Tables

The reference tables hold the mapping information between the external and internal data sets.

The data received to the blob storage from different sources may not be format supported by Kognitiv. When standardizing the data, the system will keep a reference to the original data name in the reference table (See Reference Tables) for mapping purposes.

PII Locker

The PII Locker is the location where the PII data of the customers will be stored. The PII data will be kept securely in a separate location and will not be handled by the AI/ML modules. All access to the PII data will be strictly controlled and monitored by the system.

When setting up the customers, unique IDs will be assigned to each customer and that ID will be used by Kognitiv to refer to the customers. During subsequent data ingressions, the system will identify redundant or duplicate entries and any updates to a person's PII data will be saved within the PII locker under the particular customer ID (See PII Locker).

Fast Reporting Datasets

The fast reporting datasets store the data required for the client application reports (See Fast Reporting Datasets).

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